Disclosure Statement

This is the place where I get to be completely honest with you guys about how I get paid for blogging, and what you can do to help me stay in business. :)

Affliate Links

In some of my posts you'll see a note at the top saying something like, "This post contains affiliate links." That just means that when you click on a link and decide to buy something, I receive a small commission. You don't pay anything extra. Plus, I never provide affiliate links for a produce that I don't personally love and highly recommend, so you always know that you're getting my honest recommendation and opinion. Win-win!


I'm also compensated for placing ads on my site. But you could probably figure that one out yourself. :)

THANK YOU so much for your support. It means so much to me!

Now that we've chatted about this, everything is nice and legal. If you want to check up on the law, just swing on over to the Federal Trade Commission's Website where you can read up on disclosure statements yourself. Have fun!