You probably already know that I'm a
huge fan of cloth, but you don't have to hear it from me today. I asked 20+ moms who are already using cloth diapers what they would say to someone who is trying to decide whether it's worth it. And they had some great answers. I can't wait for you to hear what they had to say!
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Today's question:
What would you say to a new mom who is trying to decide between cloth and disposable?
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Elise from
It's really not as scary as it seems! I was worried about cleaning poopy diapers, but they usually clean really easily over the toilet!
Make sure you and your husband are in it together. It turned out to be easier than I expected which was a plus but we still had times where if my husband wasn't on board then I would have been ready to toss them all out in a fit of rage. Just as you would with disposables when you have had that millionth poop explosion.
Don't be afraid of it! You will touch poop.
Becca from
Get a couple of cloth diapers and see how it goes. Ask around to friends about their experiences.
Sarah from
Consider how many kids you are hoping to have and what your budget looks like. Cloth diapers aren't that much different than disposable besides you wash them. Its also nice not having to run to town when you get low, just throw a load in the washer.
Make sure you're really committed. They save a lot of money if you stick with it, but there is no doubt that it's way easier to just use disposables, so it would be easy to get frustrated and go back to disposables if you're not committed. And that's just a big waste of money!
It's really not as bad as it sounds. You NEVER have poop blowouts in cloth like you do in disposables. And it's really not as much work as people think. You just have to get used to a wash pattern.
Bethany from
I always say do the math. Figure out how many times you'd have to use whatever diapers you buy to make it worth it. Even if you only cloth diaper part time (usually disposables at night, at day care or overnight) you usually still save money and you baby will still get some of the benefits.
Jessica from
It's not as bad as you think it's going to be. I expected cloth diapering to be really gross, but once I started doing it, I realized that it isn't really that bad.
It does involve extra time and energy but we loved the cost savings and sparing the environment another ton of diapers in a landfill.
Do it! It's worth knowing exactly what you are putting on your baby's bum, plus you're saving the environment. The upfront cost is a bit overwhelming, but well worth the money because the pros easily outweigh the cons.
Definitely do it! It's not as hard as you think. Combine the cost savings with the peace of mind that you are not putting harsh chemicals next to your baby's skin... why wouldn't you cloth diaper? It's actually fun and can be a bit addicting. There are so many different dipes and colors and patterns to choose from.

Julie from
You don't necessarily need fancy, expensive cloth diapers. A few prefolds, a snappi or two, and 3 covers will really take you a long way. If your budget does allow for a few splurges, try out a variety of diapers before investing in a dozen of a high-end brand only to learn that they don't work well with your baby.
What's the harm in trying? Buy a few and if you don't like it, you can always stop! Also, a few cloth diapering websites give special deals to those trying for the first time and will send you a variety at a lower cost.
It doesn't have to be all one way or the other; there are a lot of people who do a mix, and that's fine.![]()
Just try it!! Start with a few and ease yourself into it.
Raye from
Do it. It seems overwhelming, but it will save you so much money. For me, it was an extra 2 loads of laundry a week and it was not a big deal. Also, keep in mind that you don't have to EXCLUSIVELY cloth diaper either. I know many people who only cloth diaper when they're home (use disposables for day care, church nursery and trips) or only cloth diaper during the day (use disposables at night or for naps). Do what works for you. You CAN do it!

Cloth diapering may not be the best option for every family (I have no experience with using cloth at day care or keeping up with laundry while working full time). But if you think it's something you'd be interested in, I say just go for it! Don't go overkill with research (there are so many options and opinions out there, for me it was almost paralyzing). I simply found someone who had a positive experience, copied their system, and committed to make it work. We were all about saving money, so we didn't really let "giving up" be an option. By all means, once you've started, ask other cloth diaper mamas for help and tips as you have questions! Finally, I am a "lazy homemaker" at best ;) So trust me, if I can cloth diaper twins, I think anyone who wants to can do it!
Invest in a small stash of flats or prefolds and covers, and try it out for a day. If you don't like it, you can always resell them. But chances are, if you're thinking about it, you won't regret cloth diapering at all!
Get a small stash and try it out! Try different types - all-in-ones, pockets, prefolds - because different things work for different families. If you decide you don't like cloth diapers, you can always resell, but if you like it, you can start building a stash a little at a time.
And my answer?
Go for it! But don't stress about it. There is no one right way to cloth diaper your baby, and you'll figure it out as you go. Don't spend hours researching- just buy a couple and see if you like it. Chances are, it won't be nearly as scary as you think it is.
And if you still have questions, feel free to email me. I'd love to hear from you. ;)