If you're thinking about using cloth diapers with your first baby (like I was) then it makes sense to add diapers and diaper accessories to your baby registry. But what, exactly, should you ask for?
I did a
lot of research before deciding
which tools I would need on my cloth diapering journey. Today, I'm hoping to SAVE you all that time and research by telling you what the experts have to say about must-have cloth diaper products.
By the way, the "experts" are 20+
real moms who actually use cloth diapers every day. Now those are the opinions I want to hear!
Today's question:
What are your favorite cloth diapering accessories?
Carolina from www.abutterfulmind.com
Bags. I love the bags. I did have a couple wet bags, one for the bedroom, one for the living room, and a large bag for a trash can in the bathroom. I didn't use cloth outside the home otherwise I'd have a whole slew of others!
My baby. Planet Wise wet bags - large hanging bags to rotate with laundry and small travel bags for outings.

The flushable liners for sure. We also used the spray hose that connects to the toilet, but it can get messy.
Wet bags: we have multiple and multiple sizes for different outings. Especially with having 2 in cloth simultaneously, it's important to have large enough wet bags. 
Snappi and Diaper sprayer. I couldn't cloth diaper without either one.
Smart Bottoms wet bags, GroVia hanging wet bag, Imagine biodegradable liners, Spray Pal, bumGenius diaper sprayer, and Diaper Dawgs.
Cloth wipes and homemade solution. Cute wet bags.
Julie from www.julievarner.com
Snappis! Snappis made prefolds super easy. I loved them!
I love Planet Wise wet bags and cloth wipes. It's just easier to throw wipes and diapers in the same pail rather than throwing one in the trash and one in the pail. Also, if your baby gets a diaper rash, one of the first things recommended to do is to stop using wipes and just use a wet cloth. So I thought, why even use them in the first place if they are irritating?? I just use dry baby washcloths and dip into a solution I made when I need a wipe. Easy and non irritating!
My Kanga Care pail liner! It keeps in the odor until wash day.
I had this bum spray that I loved!!! Smelled great and was a good clean up spray that helped prevent diaper rash.
Raye from www.maisonraye.blogspot.com
I could not live without my wet bag. I have an open top fuzzi bunz 'hanging laundry bag' wet bag that I used as a liner for the diaper pail (actually just a small Rubbermaid trashcan). I love that the wet bag has a zipper on the bottom, so I just had to hold the bag over the washing machine, unzip the bottom and the wet/dirty diapers just dropped into the machine. No touching required. Sweet.
Diaper sprayer! The diaper sprayer is actually what sold my husband on using cloth diapers, lol! It makes dealing with poop so much easier.
Fleece liners. We just bought a yard of fleece from the craft store and cut our own. They help to keep moisture away from the skin. And a lot of times with poopy diapers, the liner is the only thing that needs sprayed out. The prefold itself can just go straight into the wet bag.
Diaper pail with wet bag. We put all of our dirty diapers in here (poop diapers get sprayed out first) to wait until laundry day. The diaper pail/lid keeps the smell inside. And we just carry the wet bag to the laundry and turn it inside out in the washing machine. It gets washed with the diapers, and I didn't have to touch wet, dirty diapers to put them in!
The Snappi was a life saver! Also, we love our Bumworks diaper sprayer!
Snappi - I use this to hold a prefold without a cover so that the baby can get some extra air. I have also used them to rig up hand towels and t-shirts when I did not wash my real diapers soon enough! They are so easy that my 6 and 8 year olds can use them well.
Diaper sprayer, fleece liners, fleece soakers (like a little pair of shorts that goes over the night time diaper), wet bags in cute patterns.
And my answer?
A lot of people use regular trash cans for their dirty cloth diapers, but I really wanted to use a diaper pail. I did a lot of research, and decided to buy the Diaper Dekor. My Planet Wise reusable diaper pail liners fit perfectly inside, the opening is large enough for even a bulky nighttime diaper to fit through, and- most importantly- the smell is completely contained. WIN!
Well, that's it! Hopefully you've found this information helpful.
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What would be your advice to someone who is on the fence about whether or not to cloth diaper their next baby? In the meantime,
feel free to email me. I'd love to answer any questions I can for ya. ;)
Other questions in this series: